Top tips for marketing your brand this Christmas
Yes, it really is that time of year once again. The long awaited festive period is now upon us. There is no doubt that the Christmas shopping period is the busiest time of the year for bricks and mortar retailers.
However, during this time many retailers are often guilty of neglecting their merchandising displays and marketing efforts. To help retailers, we are providing this handy guide with 5 tip tips on how brands can market themselves and their stores this festive period.

1 . Entice
Use signage and window displays to encourage people in with exciting and visually appealing Christmas displays. Use bright lights and warm colours to bring people in from the cold and encourage them to shop with you.
2. Focus on clarity
People are often shopping on a timeframe and want to know if they can get what they are looking for inside. Highlighting and pointing people towards the Christmas targeted items in store from the street, using screens and displays, can ensure customers cross your threshold and don’t walk past.
3. Additional Interactions
Within the store offer additional interactions which people cannot get online and that make visiting the shop an appealing prospect. Interactive installs like photobooth experiences and in-store personalisation encourage people to stay longer and this in turn is likely to allow them to browse more of the products on offer. Highlighting the expertise of your retail team will also help encourage shoppers to seek out help if needed than giving up.
4. Adapt
Adapt your normal messaging to fit with what people are looking for over the holiday season specifically. This might mean highlighting areas dedicated to stocking fillers rather than items under £10/ holiday entertainment rather than TV’s and electricals. Make these messages stand out and adapt them depending on time of month, customer type and deals available.”
5. Ditch old decorations
Whilst tinsel and your favourite baubles might look great at home every part of the retail experience reflects the quality of the store. Stick to brand orientated cohesive Christmas displays, and only tech which looks sharp and is working at its best, that don’t distract from what you are selling by looking like you’ve raided Grandmas Christmas box or the storage cupboard.