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When our founder and CEO Josh started inurface media in 2008 it was with a strong idea, a lot of determination and a little bit of luck that the brand began to grow. Today, we work with multiple globally recognised clients, and a team across the UK on a host of projects we are proud to put our name to.

Late last year we talked to the BBC, for their CEO secrets series, about one of inurface media’s biggest turning points – our move to London. Josh shares his incite on how and why he made this move and the impact it had on his business at the time and in the years that followed.

By bartering for office space Josh demonstrates how as an entrepreneur in competitive marketplaces it’s often about thinking outside of the box to get yourself a) to where you want to be and b) to get yourself noticed.

For all entrepreneurs starting out in business is a daunting time – especially when you don’t have the budget. It’s a steep learning curve and a journey unique to every business but learning from other people’s experiences (and sometimes their mistakes) can provide invaluable. Twelve years on from conception, and under no disillusion that he has learnt it all, it’s a privilege for Josh to be able to share some of his experiences with potential future entrepreneurs.

Click here to read the full article.