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Moving Away from Paper Display – Why Brands Are Choosing to Go Digital

Remember when every store you walked into was filled with paper posters and advertising – showing you the latest deals or new products from that brand? Can you recall the last shop you went into where that was still the case?

If you can’t, don’t worry –  Those days are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Brands have collectively moved away from traditional paper displays and are now embracing digital screens, with a shift towards retail media networks within their stores

This movement isn’t just a passing trend either – it’s a significant shift, transforming the way businesses connect with their customers – guided by the numerous benefits that digital display and retail media holds. 

Let’s delve into why this change is happening and what it means for the future of retail…

The Movement Towards Digital: Trends and Technological Developments

As mentioned previously – Digital displays are becoming a common sight, all the way from small, local stores to UK high-street giants like Sports Direct. The reason for this lies in some impressive recent trends and technological advancements:

High-Resolution LED & LCD Screens:
Today’s digital displays offer vibrant, detailed visuals that static paper simply can’t match. These high-definition screens make products look more appealing and attention-grabbing.

Interactive Displays:
Touchscreen technology lets customers dive right into the content. They can, for example –  watch product videos, browse through digital catalogs, and even play immersive, interactive games. This keeps customers engaged while simultaneously enhancing their shopping experience.

Mobile Integration:
Many digital displays within retail stores can now sync up with mobile technology, allowing customers to connect using their smartphones. This means personalised content, special offers, and extra product information delivered right to their devices.

Real-Time Updates:
Perhaps one of the main advancements, is the ability for Digital displays to be instantly and remotely updated. Media networks allow for businesses to quickly change their advertising content to showcase new promotions, seasonal campaigns, or even real-time events. These can be altered depending on location, or even the time of the day.

The Benefits of Going Digital: Retail Media, Efficiency and More…

Retail Media Networks

The biggest noise within the retail industry in the last couple of years has been around Retail Media Networks – and this is where digital displays really shine!

Digital displays open up a world of retail media opportunities that paper simply can’t match. Stores can use these screens to sell advertising space to brands, creating an additional revenue stream. Imagine a digital display in a grocery store showcasing a video ad for a new snack brand or a clothing retailer featuring rotating ads for different brands they stock within their store. These dynamic advertisements can be tailored to specific times of day or customer demographics, making them highly effective.

Plus the fact that digital displays can run multiple ads in a loop, maximises exposure and revenue opportunities without taking up any extra space. This flexibility and potential for targeted advertising make digital displays a powerful tool for retail media.

Cost Efficiency

Switching to digital displays can also be a significant cost-saver in the long run. While the initial investment in digital technology may be higher, the ongoing savings are substantial. There’s no need for constant reprints and updates. Content can be changed remotely with just a few clicks, and removes the cost and time associated with printing and distributing paper materials.


Digital displays are inherently more engaging than traditional paper signs. They can show dynamic content like videos, animations, and real-time updates, which are more likely to catch and hold customers’ attention. This increased engagement can lead to better recall of advertised products and promotions, ultimately driving higher sales and customer satisfaction.


Another powerful advantage of digital advertising is its ability to target specific audiences. Digital displays can be programmed to show different content based on various factors, such as the time of day, the demographics of shoppers, or their shopping behaviors. This level of customisation ensures that the right message reaches the right audience at the right time, maximizing the impact of marketing efforts. The work inurface media have done with HMV showcases this perfectly, with their front-window LED displays showing targeted content depending on the location of the store – See here

Environmental Advantages

Switching to digital also has significant environmental benefits. Reducing the need for printed materials means less paper waste and a smaller carbon footprint. This aligns with the growing consumer demand for sustainable business practices and helps brands position themselves as environmentally responsible.


On a deeper level – The shift from paper to digital displays is more than just a change in how stores look. It’s a fundamental transformation in how brands now communicate with their customers. 

The benefits mentioned above, such as integration with retail media networks, cost savings, higher engagement, precise targeting, and environmental sustainability—make it clear why so many businesses are making the switch.

So next time you’re in a retail store, take a moment to appreciate those vibrant digital screens. They’re not just the future; they’re also the present!