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Back to normal in 2023

2023 is here and with that we have left behind the pandemic and all the strict restrictions. Businesses are busy again and running as usual, as people are back on the streets commuting from work or school and the highstreets are busier than ever.

This is why many organizations are trying to get as much attention as possible by using a variety of techniques in their marketing strategy including ofcourse av solutions and particularly digital signage.

In today’s blog we are going to discuss all the digital signage trends that are going to enhance even more the customer experience AV solutions are going to offer this year.

This year we will see a lot more eye-catching advertisements outside of home as the global digital signage market is expected to continue growing steadily over the next few years.


2023 Trends

In order to help businesses grow, retailers have to know the latest trends as they will have to keep up in order to keep their businesses relevant and attract an even larger audience this year.

So what are the top trends of digital signage for 2023?

  • Sustainability

Sustainability should now be in the forefront of any business and digital signage is definitely an environmentally friendly solution. In our previous blog we have discussed everything about what makes AV solutions sustainable as well as how to help reduce the energy consumption of your digital signage even more in order to help the environment.

There are many reasons why digital signage is environmentally friendly and that’s because of the tech required to run digital signs, there is more of an incentive to recycle components than traditional signs, which tend to end up in a landfill. This is the case even in the short-term, for instance when a simple misprint results in signs being thrown away. For digital signage, it is easy to find those looking to trade parts or to reuse materials from the signs, ensuring that the easiest place for them to end up is in another digital sign, and not a landfill.

  • Dynamic – Data driven content

With digital signage CMS capabilities we can get updates and reports that can identify the duration and number of times an advertisement is played per player and location. 

Another great way to collect data and increase those sales is the In Store Analytics. Incorporating retail analytics into your store will help you understand your customers a lot better which will help you develop smart marketing strategies on how to sell your products efficiently.

For example, by using data you will know if you have a particular display that attracts people into your store and in that way you will try to use it more for your future campaigns. 

Reducing the brightness of the display can reduce energy consumption by as much as 20%.

head-shot booth

A great example is Sports Direct. In order to collect customer data we installed Customer Analytic Software. These installs allow the Sports Direct team, both in store and from head office, to act on the information gathered. Based on real time updates the team can edit and update content accordingly to ensure visits are converted to sales.

  • Facial recognition technology

Incorporating facial recognition technology into your digital signage can be an effective way to identify and analyze audiences. In short, digital signage and face recognition allows organizations to deploy personalized content rather than the generic counterpart with the data collected from their users.


Digital signage increases its popularity year by year, and 2023 is not an exception. As life returns back to normal there will be an increased demand for digital signage and other technologies that will help to enhance digital signage solutions even more! Here at inurface media we have a long experience in helping businesses achieve their maximum potential with the use of digital signage. If you are ready to take your business to the next level then don’t hesitate to contact us here today.